Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Skyscrapers and Suburban Gypsies

Looking for that magic button to set everything back the way it was; to find that happiness that exuded from him a month ago. He tells me I am the only thing that motivates him; my happiness is the only thing that will make him go the extra mile. But, that can't be. There must be something else.

He would be completely blissful if not for that job of his. I'm sure of it. He thinks otherwise.

Let's go back, to learning and loving and laughing and relying on each other to navigate our way through languages and lands that are foreign to us. Is that where we excel together? Is that where we need to be?

The more I think about it, the more I believe that we do not belong as suburban gypsies, but as city slickers, or master explorers. Usually young married couples move OUT of the city in order to have children, because who would want to raise children in the city? Who wouldn't? There is a liveliness, a well-rounded world that seems to rest on the roofs of skyscrapers.

But that is my answer to his problem.
What is his answer?

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